Traveling with your pet can be fun or a complete disaster. Here are a few tips to make things go a little smoother.
First, make sure your pet is current on its vaccinations. All states require a current rabies and some require dogs are current on distemper and parvo as well as Bordetella and in cats their distemper should be current. Always travel with your pet’s proof of vaccination certificates. If you are traveling by plane, most airlines require a health certificate. Check with the airline when you schedule your flight. Very few airlines will allow pets to fly as cargo if the weather is hot, so boarding may be an option.
Your pets should have some form of ID. Collars with your name and address are great, but can come off or be removed if your pet gets loose and is found. A permanent method is to microchip. If your pet is found with no collars, shelter personnel, local veterinarians and police organizations can scan the chip to call the makers of the chip and locate the owner. Make sure your chip information is up to date!
Cats can travel well, but use caution when opening the car doors. Make sure your cat is in a carrier or on a leash first. Many scared cats will take off running and never be seen again. Some pets travel better with a mild sedative-check with us to see what might be appropriate.
When traveling by car, make sure that places you plan to visit are pet friendly. Not all hotels allow pets. If the weather is hot you will not be able to stop and leave your pet in the car. If you plan to stop frequently and cannot take your pet in with you, boarding would be a much safer option.
Boarding your pet at our facility
Boarding may be an option if you will be traveling during the summer or are not going to pet friendly destinations. There are several boarding facilities in this area. We do have boarding accommodations at our facility.
Reservations are required so that you can be assured of availability. We have runs for the larger dogs with cage boarding for the smaller dogs. Each dog is allowed time outside to get exercise and the opportunity to go “potty”. Dogs from the same family are not allowed to stay together as this prohibits our ability to monitor who is eating or not eating, which one may have had an accident, who may have had an upset tummy and also prevents food fights. We do allow them time outside together whenever possible.
For kitties we have condos and regular cage boarding. The condos are 3 connected cages with perches for them to get on. All cages are large enough for a sleep box, litterbox and food and water.
All pets must be current on vaccinations. Dogs must have current rabies, distemper/parvo, Bordetella and influenza vaccines. Kitties must be up to date on their feline distemper and rabies.
Here at Cliffdale Animal Hospital we feed Purina products. If your pet does not do well when you change his diet, you are welcome to bring their food from home. We have cots for the large dogs to sleep on and provide plenty of blankets and bedding for everyone. If you have a “safe” toy (a toy your pet cannot chew up and swallow) you can bring it. Bowls and leashes are also provided.
So if you decide to travel with your pet, have fun and stay safe! If you decide to leave them in our care, don’t worry about their care and have fun!
Cliffdale Animal Hospital
6416 Brookstone Lane
Fayetteville, NC 28314