
4 Key Focus Areas for Socializing Your Dog

Socializing your pet is challenging. You want your dog to behave well at the dog park, or manage interactions with other humans. The last thing you want is to feel concern about his or her behavior. Here are some ways to train your dog to be a “good boy” at home, so he or she will be well-behaved outside the house:

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Keep Your Pets and Visitors Safe This Holiday Season

Pets may not realize that for us humans, this is a special time of year. We host parties, go out more often, and keep extra goodies around the house. But while we are enjoying the festivities, our pets might be unhappy or end up sick from eating something they shouldn’t.

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Vaccinations and the health of your dog

Vaccinations are very important in the prevention of serious disease in your dog. There are many vaccines available, but not all are necessary for every dog. At Cliffdale Animal Hospital we give vaccines according to the exposure risk of your dog.

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Cliffdale Animal Hospital
6416 Brookstone Lane
Fayetteville, NC 28314 



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